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Automotive OEM: Rewards Program

This site is a concept and is awaiting managerial approval. To maintain the client's privacy, I can only provide a brief description of the project.


Requested By: Automotive OEM

Original Product Concept Design: Noel Ziegler, Alice Wang & Clarence Bunch

Product Finalization and Build Prep: Noel Ziegler, Alice Wang, Jessica Phillips & Clarence Bunch

Programs Utilized: Adobe XD, Zeplin

Content Written By: Latcha Content

Managed By: Blue Sky Studios

Project Ask

In order to provide more to their customers, this client came to Latcha for us to create an online Rewards Program for existing costumers. The customers could earn points by watching videos, reading articles, and interacting with their product. In return, there were many options to choose from in the online store from merchandise to gift cards.


Idea: After researching who the audience would be and running competitive analysis of other rewards programs, we needed to go simple, clean, yet elegant. The user needed to be easily guided through the steps necessary to not only gain their rewards, but how to spend those rewards as well. 


Answer: Have the Rewards Program mimic the client’s main site so the user is accustomed to the simplicity and flow. Provide step by step instructions in a simple format on how to earn the point and easy navigation to direct the user to the rewards. We also planned an email campaign to be sent to customers so they would be aware of the introduction of the program, the opening of the program, and reminders.

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